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Full Development Setup


work-in-progress. The installation process is not yet fully implemented.

(1) Install Suibase in new window

Suibase allows distinct Sui binaries and keystore management for each network (localnet, devnet, testnet and mainnet). It also installs the "DTP Services" daemon and "dtp" CLI command for you.

(2) Enable DTP Services for localnet

Do $ localnet enable dtp

Other useful commands:

  • Disable DTP with $ localnet disable dtp
  • Update DTP (and Suibase) to latest with $ ~/suibase/update
  • Update only the Sui binaries from Mysten Labs with $ localnet update

(3) Start local processes

Do $ localnet start

It is recommended to develop on a single machine with localnet first and (easily) migrate to testnet later for end-to-end testing.

Note: Localnet runs two instances of the DTP Services on different local port, allowing the simulation of two end-users. This is very convenient for quick development and testing of your own application on a single machine.

Other useful commands:

  • Monitor DTP services health (UP/DOWN) with $ localnet status
  • Monitor your own services status/account balance with $ dtp status
  • Reset the localnet to its genesis state with $ localnet regen

(4) Optional DTP Self-Test

Do $ dtp self-test to verify that DTP is working as expected.

You can re-run this command anytime you are trying to isolate if a problem is in your application or the DTP setup itself.

Next steps (TODO)

  • Instruction to migrate from localnet to testnet testing (should be easy).
  • Tutorial of a simple client/server "echo" service and how testing is done.